Referring GP’s and Specialists

We offer quality clinical care services to children (16+), adolescents, adults and families across a broad range of presenting issues using evidence based and client centred therapies. You can learn more about Our Services here.

We also offer:

·       Perinatal Non-Directive Counselling

·       Applied Mental Health in Residential Aged Care

·       Use of tele-health

We request that referral letters by GPs and other health care providers be accompanied by a Mental Health Treatment Plan. We accept referrals by hand delivery from patients or email.

We recommend you make out the referral to Jane Stevenson. 

Being a busy practice, waitlists can fluctuate and clients often have limited days that they can attend. If you send a referral that we are unable to assist with or complete in a suitable timeframe we will inform you.

When you refer your patient, we will email you after your client is seen at the initial session and after key review points. When we have concerns for a client’s safety we will contact you and work consultatively to help create a care plan for the client.

We are not offering bulk-billing at our clinicWe do not accept Workers Compensation.